Ridha Masagazi

Undergraduate research assistant

Ridha Masagazi joined the Global Food Research Program for the 2024 FERN summer fellowship between her third and fourth years at the UNC-Chapel Hill, where she majors in nutrition and minors in chemistry. Spending most of her upbringing in the foreign service instilled in Ridha a passion for addressing health disparities. As a 2024 FERN fellowship recipient, Ridha worked with Dr. Lindsey Smith Taille and Carlos Roberto Soto Díaz to investigate the impact of acculturation on consumption of ultra-processed foods within the Hispanic population in the United States. Ridha plans to use the new skills she developed to pursue master’s of public health and further explore global health research.

My least liked food is... any form of egg.

When I’m in a time crunch, I love to make… a tuna wrap!

Foods I must have in my home are… any kind of sea food (especially shrimp)!

My “go-to” comfort food is… any kind of bowl with avocado (salmon bowls are my favorite)!