Michelle Perry
Research associate, 2021–2023
Michelle was a research associate with the Global Food Research Program from 2021 to 2023. She worked on data cleaning and management for several projects and helped lead two global scoping reviews of school food environment policies. She holds a BS in Psychology and Spanish, a MS in Food and Nutrition, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Behavioral and Social Health Sciences at Brown University.
I love food so much… that my dogs are named Alfalfa Sprout and Rutabaga.
My least liked food is… celery. I can even detect small amounts of celery seed in seasonings like Old Bay!
The craziest thing I’ve ever eaten is… scorpions in Thailand.
GFRP Publications
National policies to limit nutrients, ingredients, or categories of concern in school meals: a global scoping review
Authors: Emily Busey, Grace Chamberlin, Kayla Mardin, Michelle Perry, Lindsey Smith Taillie, Francesca Dillman Carpentier, Barry Popkin
Published in: Current Developments in Nutrition, September 17, 2024 view full text
National policies to limit food marketing and competitive food sales in schools: a global scoping review
Authors: Michelle Perry, Kayla Mardin, Grace Chamberlin, Emily Busey, Lindsey Smith Taillie, Francesca Dillman Carpentier, Barry Popkin
Published in: Advances in Nutrition, June 12, 2024 view full text