Global maps showing countries and smaller jurisdictions with taxes on sugary or sweetened beverages and/or foods high in nutrients or ingredients of health concern. These taxes aim to curb intake of sugar, salt, saturated or trans fat, or excessive calories to improving public health; to encourage industry to shift their products and portfolios towards healthier products; and to raise revenue. Included are brief descriptions of each tax design and dates of implementation and updates.

Series of maps showing interpretive labels used on food and beverage packages around around the world. These maps feature national-level, mandatory front-of-package labeling policies as well as government-endorsed voluntary labels. This resource includes a map highlighting countries with front-of-package warning label policies.

Global map showing countries with national-level, mandatory policies aimed at protecting children from harmful marketing for unhealthy foods or beverages by limiting children’s exposure to marketing and/or by limiting the persuasive power of food marketing via restrictions on the use of certain creative marketing techniques. This resource includes a chart comparing policy scope in each country and more details on limits to television advertising.

Global map showing countries with national-level policies to improve nutrition in public schools by limiting service or sales of foods that do not build health. Key policy interventions mapped include restrictions on nutrients, ingredients, or categories of concern in school meals, competitive food sales, and marketing in schools.