Food and beverage taxes

Line drawing of green circle with dollar sign in center, on top of documents

Global maps showing countries and smaller jurisdictions with taxes on sugary or sweetened beverages and/or foods high in nutrients or ingredients of health concern. The taxes included here aim to curb intake of sugar, salt, saturated or trans fat, or excessive calories to improving public health; to encourage industry to shift their products and portfolios towards healthier products; and to raise revenue. Included are brief descriptions of each tax design and dates of implementation and updates.

Last updated March 27, 2025: Added one implemented beverage tax (Slovakia), five beverage taxes that have been passed/announced but not yet implemented (Brazil, Indonesia, Italy, Mongolia, and Santa Cruz, CA), and one food tax passed/announced but not yet implemented (Barbados).

Note: Additional taxes and updates that apply to sweetened and other beverages can be found in the World Bank’s SSB Tax database, which was published in 2023. Not all taxes from that database are reflected here due to our specific scope of health-focused taxes targeting sweetened beverages and ultra-processed and/or high-in saturated fat, salt, sugar, or calorie foods.

Learn more about fiscal policies in our partner countries and the evidence for taxing sugary drinks as a fiscal policy to improve public health.

Sweetened drink taxes:
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Thumbnail image of drink tax world map
Updated March 27, 2025

Food taxes:
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Thumbnail image of food tax world map
Updated March 27, 2025

Combined drink and food tax maps:
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