Taxes on unhealthy foods and beverages

Line drawing of green circle with dollar sign in center, on top of documents

Global maps showing countries and smaller jurisdictions with taxes on sugary or sweetened beverages and/or unhealthy foods that were implemented with a goal of curbing sugar, salt, saturated or trans fat, and excessive calorie consumption and improving public health. Included are brief descriptions of each tax structure and dates of passage or implementation.

Last updated November 6, 2023: Updated Colombia’s taxes to implemented (as of Nov. 1, 2023); updated implementation timeline on Ghana’s tax; updated Pakistan’s tax to reflect increased rate on juices, syrups, and squashes (from 10% to 20% effective July 1, 2023); updated Croatia’s rates to Euros (effective January 1, 2023).

Learn more about fiscal policies in our partner countries and the evidence for taxing sugary drinks as a fiscal policy to improve public health.

Sugary drink taxes:
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Updated November 2023

Food taxes:
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Updated November 2023