
School food environment

Global map showing countries with national-level policies to improve nutrition in public schools by limiting service or sales of foods that do not build health. Key policy interventions mapped include restrictions on nutrients, ingredients, or categories of concern in school meals, competitive food sales, and marketing in schools.

Ultra-processed foods

This fact sheet describes ultra-processed foods and drinks and the threat they pose to public health worldwide as they make up increasingly greater portions of the global diet. Learn how to identify ultra-processed products; review the evidence for their association with a multitude of risk factors, diseases, and mortality; see how ultra-processed foods negatively impact the environment and ecosystems; and explore policy options to reduce consumption.

Industry self-regulation

Fact sheet describing food and beverage industry voluntary self-regulation in three main areas of public health concern: 1) Child-directed food marketing; 2) front-of-package labelling; and 3) reducing unhealthy nutrients in the food supply. While self-regulation continues to be the most common approach globally for addressing industry’s role in the ongoing obesity crisis, this fact sheet details a large body of independent evidence demonstrating that these measures have been ineffective and insufficient.

School food environments

This fact sheet describes the impact of unhealthy school food environments on childhood obesity and wellness. Learn about policies that can improve the school food environment, including setting nutrition standards for school meal programs, restricting access to unhealthy foods and drinks, ensuring access to healthy options, protecting children from food industry marketing, and protecting the food environment around schools. Children need these policies to grow, develop, and succeed at school and beyond the school grounds.


California Middle and High School Students Report Wanting Fresh and Healthy School Lunch in the Context of Universal School Meals
Authors: Carolyn Chelius, Kassandra Bacon, Dania Orta-Aleman, Monica Zuercher, Lorrene Ritchie, Juliana Cohen, Christina Hecht, Kenneth Hecht, Wendi Gosliner
Published in: Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, February 7, 2025 view full text

The consumption of ultra-processed foods was associated with adiposity, but not with metabolic indicators in a prospective cohort study of Chilean preschool children
Authors: Camila Zancheta, Natalia Rebolledo, Lindsey Smith Taillie, Marcela Reyes, Camila Corvalán
Published in: BMC Medicine, August 26, 2024 view full text

Changes in children’s and adolescents’ dietary intake after the implementation of Chile’s law of food labeling, advertising and sales in schools: a longitudinal study
Authors: Gabriela Fretes, Camila Corvalán, Marcela Reyes, Lindsey Smith Taillie, Christina D. Economos, Norbert L.W. Wilson, Sean B. Cash
Published in: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, April 4, 2023 view full text

Youth's diets at school after implementation of Chile's Food Labeling and Advertising Law
Authors: Gabriela Fretes, Camila Corvalan, Marcela Reyes, Christina Economos, Lindsey Smith Taillie, Norbert Wilson, Sean Cash
Published in: Obesity, December 1, 2021 view full text

Changes in the use of nonnutritive sweeteners in the Chilean food and beverage supply after the implementation of the Food Labeling and Advertising Law
Authors: Ricardo C. Zancheta, Camila Corvalán, Lindsey Smith Taillie, Vilma Quitral, Marcela Reyes
Published in: Frontiers in Nutrition | Nutrition and Food Science Technology, November 8, 2021 view full text

Understanding the need for a whole-of-society approach in school nutrition policy implementation: A qualitative analysis
Authors: Natasha P. Sobers, Lisa Bishop, Shu Wen Ng, Suzanne Soares-Wynter, Natalie S. Greaves & Madhuvanti M. Murphy 
Published in: Implementation Science Communications, July 17, 2021 view full text

Sugar-sweetened beverage reduction policies: Progress and promise
Authors: James Krieger, Sara Bleich, Stephanie Scarmo, and Shu Wen Ng
Published in: Annual Review of Public Health, April 1, 2021 view full text

The effects of the Chilean food policy package on aggregate employment and real wages
Authors: Guillermo Paraje, Arantxa Colchero, Juan Marcos Wlasiuk, Antonio Martner Sota, Barry M. Popkin
Published in: Food Policy, April 1, 2021 view full text

Changes in the amount of nutrient of packaged foods and beverages after the initial implementation of the Chilean Law of Food Labelling and Advertising: A nonexperimental prospective study
Authors: Marcela Reyes, Lindsey Smith Taillie, Barry M Popkin, Rebecca Kanter, Stefanie Vandevijvere, Camila Corvalán
Published in: PLOS Medicine, July 28, 2020 view full text

An evaluation of Chile’s Law of Food Labeling and Advertising on sugar-sweetened beverage purchases from 2015 to 2017: A before-and-after study
Authors: Lindsey S. Taillie, Marcela Reyes, Michelle A. Colchero, Barry M. Popkin, Camila Corvalán
Published in: PLOS Med, February 11, 2020 view full text

Responses to the Chilean Law of Food Labeling and Advertising: Exploring knowledge, perceptions and behaviors of mothers of young children
Authors: Teresa Correa, Camila Fierro, Marcela Reyes, Francesca R. D. Carpentier, Lindsey S. Taillie, Camila Corvalan
Published in: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2019 view full text

Structural responses to the obesity and non‐communicable diseases epidemic: Update on the Chilean law of food labelling and advertising
Authors: Camila Corvalán, Marcela Reyes, Maria L. Garmendia, Ricardo Uauy
Published in: Obesity Reviews, March 2019 view full text