Nutrient thresholds for Peru’s Law on the Promotion of a Healthy Diet (Law 30021 / Supreme Decree No. 012-2018-SA)

Peru black octagonal nutrient warning labels
Peru’s front-of-package warning labels. Packed foods and drinks that exceed the set thresholds for content of saturated fats, sugar, sodium listed below or that contain any trans fats must carry the respective warning label.
Solid FoodsPhase 1:
June 17, 2019
Phase 2:
September 17, 2021
Sodium (mg/100g)800500
Total sugars (g/100g)22.510
Saturated Fat (g/100g)64
BeveragesPhase 1:
June 17, 2019
Phase 2:
September 17, 2021
Sodium (mg/100mL)100100
Total sugars (g/100mL)65
Saturated Fat (g/100g)33
All packaged productsPhase 1 and 2
Trans fatProducts containing any added trans fats must carry a warning label (shown above, far right)

Sources: Supreme Decree No. 012-2018-SA (Spanish), USDA Foreign Agricultural Services (English), Diez-Canseco et al. 2023