Study: Consumer Purchases of Cakes, Cookies and Pies Have Decreased by 24 Percent

A new study published by the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, by recent UNC graduate (and UNCFRP alum) Dr. Kevin C. Mathias, finds that consumer purchases of cakes, cookies, pies, and other ready-to-eat grain-based desserts decreased by 24% from 2005-2010. Dr. Mathias investigated this group of foods (ready-to-eat grain-based desserts) because they are one of the largest contributors of calories, solid fats, and added sugars to children, adolescents, and adults in the United States.

The study, titled “Monitoring Changes in the Nutritional Content of Ready-To-Eat Grain-Based Dessert Products Manufactured and Purchased between 2005 and 2012“, found the decrease in purchases among US households occurred alongside a decrease in energy density and an increase in the density of saturated fat and sugar. “The results of this study indicated that larger wide-scale efforts are needed among public health officials and all manufacturers of RTE GBDs to shift consumer purchases towards products with lower energy, sugar, and saturated fat content,” observed the lead author of the study, Dr. Mathias.

To read more, access the full research article. The study was also featured in an article from, Winning War On Empty Calories? Cakes, Cookies, and Pie Purchases Down 24% Between 2005 and 2010.