Christopher Ford
PhD in Nutrition, Epidemiology, 2015
Dissertation: Post-millennial beverage trends and the relationship between price and food/beverage intakes and purchases in the U.S. preschooler
Advisor: Barry Popkin
After completing his PhD at the UNC, Dr. Ford completed postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and Emory University, then was an assistant professor at Rush University Medical Center.
GFRP Publications
SSB taxes and diet quality in U.S. preschoolers: Estimated changes in the 2010 Healthy Eating Index
Authors: Christopher N. Ford, Jennifer M. Poti, Shu Wen Ng, Barry M. Popkin
Published in: Pediatric Obesity, April 5 2016 view full text
Targeted beverage taxes influence food and beverage purchases among households with preschool children
Authors: Christopher N. Ford, Shu Wen Ng, Barry M. Popkin
Published in: Journal of Nutrition, August 2015 view full text
Ten-year beverage intake trends among US preschool children: Rapid declines between 2003 and 2010 but stagnancy in recent years
Authors: Christopher N. Ford, Shu Wen Ng, Barry M. Popkin
Published in: Pediatric Obesity, March 2 2015 view full text
Are food and beverage purchases in households with preschoolers changing?: A longitudinal analysis from 2000 to 2011
Authors: Christopher Ford, Shu Wen Ng, Barry M Popkin
Published in: American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2014 Sep;47(3):275-82. view full text
Trends in dietary intake among US 2- to 6-year-old children, 1989-2008
Authors: Christopher N. Ford, Meghan M. Slining, Barry M. Popkin
Published in: Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, January 2013 view full text
Television viewing associated with adverse dietary outcomes in children ages 2-6
Authors: Christopher Ford, Dianne Ward, Mary White
Published in: Obesity Reviews, December 2012 view full text